Bp Spill

Ben's day begins with coffee, newspaper
Ben knows that to be a good citizen, he must keep abreast of current affairs. And Ben's always enjoyed his Morning Cup o' Joe!

That headline - Gadzooks!
BP is being held accountable for its oil spill, which was one of the biggest disasters to ever threaten Ben's beloved Snug Harbor.

Ben's mind wanders to those days
Ben remembers how he and Max, the seasoned navigator, plotted the course for the fleet to rush to contain the spilled oil.

Help from everyone!
Ben recalls how Kip, the Trusty Radioman, summoned the fleet to follow Ben to fight the oil spill. Every captain agreed to help.

And out to Sea they went!
The whole fleet from Snug Harbor joined Ben. Together they contained the oil. Or ... so they thought.

One Big Tar Ball
Ben found this humongous tar ball in the kiddie pool beside Snug Harbor's rock jetty. He wonders: What else from the spill still haunts the harbor Ben and his friend calls home?

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